Tuesday, March 20, 2007


22 Jan 06 Sunday
1:05 AM - day two
Current mood: bouncy
Category: its the red bull Automotive

so here i am.
i was told that livejournal is a btter, more stable site, so i am posting a mirror on that site; kind of a redundancy race....who fucks up first, lol.

day ten and things bode well.
just finished cutting together the final visual edit of the last film i shot. the director is a dear mate and the editor turned out to be a schmuck so we did it together. colour correct is tomorrow.
so excited.
check out flickr.com(my redscrewdriver account...see last blog)
to see some of the colour corrected stills i am working on right now.

so...got an email from a friend i have never met, but liked and thought everything was cool with, but turns out, not:

here it is(names have been deleted to protect)

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 21, 2006 3:35 PM

its alright~ I've just been feeling the need to forget about you, as mean as that may sound, because I know i'm never going to meet you, and I spend too much time thinking about you.

I'm out to meet new people~ proximity is everything.

It was strange, I thought I saw you yesterday O.o Driving a green buggy.

I'm glad to have heard your life story and progress to success ^^ It was very enlightening~

i'm not sure what else to say. I think one day I just realized you weren't my type after all and thought it best to distance myself O.o then again, im a crazy virgo.

i replied:
anyway, the whole thing was based simply on the premise that we had a mutual respect for each other's photography; maybe i misunderstood that. there was a moment that we connected as people but what did you think was going to happen?

i have a freidn that is moving up to ****** and i was planning to see both of you when the opportunity arose.

i am not dating material right now......
does that measn that i am not speaking material or somehow less of a person to you?

kinda fucked up...

but, one of the drawing points has always ben that we have far more in common than you suspect and i have been where you are
in life.

no worries, mate.

happy hunting.

when you finally get bored with placing your happiness on the possibility of nesting, you let me know.


when did this become a dating site? (meaning myspace.com)


i live in los angeles.
dating here is usually a one night stand that goes on for far too long....i am starting to suspect that happiness is vaguely possible; i have always beleived in G-d and true love.
i just havent been on speaking terms with the former and i have trouble believing in the latter is possible for me.
someone once said, "one can have a great life or great life, but never both."

consider hemingway

which brings us to the quote of the day:
"The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."-- Ernest Hemingway

of course i always hear clive owen whenever i read that.

i am a true film geek..i got my hemingway from Croupier. well that and a love of paris got me to read "movable feast". cant really get into hemmy much. iin school i passed by on his NICK ADAMS stories, cuz in my head - and admit it, yours too - nick adams was HOT...

back to clive owen
one of the 3 most underappreciated actors of our time. in no particular order;
clive owen (have you seen BMW films?)
richard roxburgh (even in van helsing)
billy crudup (jesus' son....say no fucking more; better yet he blew me away in stage beauty)

done ranting for today.
not at the stage where i can bare my soul yet...scroll down to a feew months later and see if i am any better at this or if its just all superficial bullshit.
hope its interesting superficial bullshit.


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